Transylvania Lectures: Social Media and the Theatre of Violence

Transylvania Lectures: Social Media and the Theatre of Violence

Transylvania Lectures:
Social Media and the Theatre of Violence

Social media platforms like X and Facebook are becoming increasingly saturated in graphic violent content. The next discussion of our Transylvania Lectures series explores the consequences of this development and what it means for social media users. It also probes the broader political effects of violent online content, arguing that viral atrocity videos fuel polarization and political conflict. 

Our invited speaker will be Prof. Dr Simon Cottee, an honorary senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Kent, a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a contributing editor at Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. He is the author of Watching Murder: ISIS, Death Videos and Radicalization (2022), Black Flags of the Caribbean: How Trinidad Became an ISIS Hotspot (2021), ISIS and the Pornography of Violence (2019), and The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam (2015).  

Date: 3 December, 6 PM
Location: MCC Regional Center, Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Huszár/Călărașilor street 1 (Hotel Belvedere) 

Transylvania Lectures:
A közösségi média és az erőszak színháza 

A közösségimédia-platformok, mint az X és a Facebook egyre inkább erőszakot megjelenítő, durva tartalmakkal telítődnek. A Transylvania Lectures sorozatunk következő alkalmán ennek a folyamatnak a részleteit és következményeit fogjuk megvizsgálni, valamint azt, hogy mindez hogyan hat a közösségi média felhasználóira. Az eseményen az erőszakos online tartalmak tágabb értelemben vett politikai hatásait is elemezzük, kitérve arra, ahogyan az atrocitásokat megjelenítő virális tartalmak a polarizációt és a politikai konfliktusokat is táplálhatják.  

Meghívott előadónk prof. dr. Simon Cottee, a Kenti Egyetem kriminológia szakos oktatója, a The Atlantic című lap munkatársa, valamint a Studies in Conflict & Terrorism című tudományos folyóirat szerkesztője. Megjelent kötetei: Watching Murder: ISIS, Death Videos and Radicalization (2022); Black Flags of the Caribbean: How Trinidad Became an ISIS Hotspot (2021); ISIS and the Pornography of Violence (2019); The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam (2015).   

Időpont: 2024. december 3. 18 óra
Helyszín: MCC Kolozsvári Képzési Központ, Huszár (Călărașilor) utca 1. szám (Belvedere Hotel) 

Transylvania Lectures:
Social media și teatrul violenței 

Platformele social media precum X și Facebook devin din ce în ce mai saturate de conținut grafic violent. La următoarea discuție din seria Transylvania Lectures vom analiza detaliile și implicațiile acestui proces și modul în care acesta afectează utilizatorii rețelelor sociale. Participanții vor examina, de asemenea, impactul politic mai larg al conținutului online violent, analizând modul în care contentul viral care prezintă atrocități poate alimenta polarizarea și conflictele politice.   

Speakerul invitat va fi Prof. Dr. Simon Cottee, profesor în criminologie la Universitatea din Kent, colaborator la The Atlantic și editor la revista științifică Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. Între cărțile sale se numără: Watching Murder: ISIS, Death Videos and Radicalization (2022); Black Flags of the Caribbean: How Trinidad Became an ISIS Hotspot (2021); ISIS and the Pornography of Violence (2019); The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam (2015). 

Data: 3 decembrie 2024, 18:00
Locul de desfășurare: Centrul MCC din Cluj-Napoca, str. Călărașilor nr. 1 (Hotel Belvedere)